SETU Arena follows and adheres to all safeguarding legislation, good practices and policies. It is our aim to make SETU Arena a safe environment for all children.

Safeguarding is a term used to describe the various issues associated with the prevention of deliberate harm or abuse to a child or vulnerable adult. In this context it does not refer to health and safety issues.

Child protection is generally used to outline the steps that should be taken where there is a concern that a child has been, or is at risk, of being harmed or abused.

Aim of Safeguarding SETU Arena

The aim of a safeguarding and child protection policy in SETU Arena where children attend for education, leisure, health other activities or services is to ensure that the children are cared for safely and that any threat to their safety is diminished or eliminated.

SETU Arena strive to have an open culture for children and adults where

SETU Arena Open culture

SETU Arena strives to have an “open culture” for children and adults that support a strong safeguarding practice.

  • Welcome discussion about practice
  • See complaints as a way to improve service and conditions
  • Seek to engage residents in decision making about routine rules and practice
  • Are open to change and flexible where at all possible
  • View residents as individuals with similar feelings and ambitions as those working in the institution
  • Welcome contact with the local community and
  • Engage positively where their centre or institution is being monitored seeing these exercises as opportunities to improve practises.

All SETU Arena staff receives safeguard training and are Garda vetted. SETU Arena has 2 Child Liaison officers. Should you have any queries?

Please contact

  • Emer Mackey
  • Dylan Dixon